Start With Just ONE Thing!

I recently talked with a gentleman that is about 100 pounds overweight and had been for more than a few years. He is experiencing many weight-associated problems like back, hip and knee pain. He was told that he might need a knee replacement but that the surgeon might view his current weight as an issue and was looking for some tips on losing some weight to make himself a better candidate for a possible knee replacement. We started the conversation by talking about all the things that being overweight does to your body. Besides the obvious effects excessive weight has on your bones and body frame, it also encourages heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and many other negative health issues. According to the Mayo Clinic and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, here’s a list of health issues associated with being overweight.

  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (Dyslipidemia)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Sleep apnea asthma and other breathing problems
  • Some cancers (uterus, cervix, ovary, endometrial, breast, colon, rectum, esophagus, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, prostate, and liver)
  • Infertility
  • Erectile disfunction
  • Low quality of life
  • Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
  • Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning (hip, back, knee)

As we talked further, it became evident that he knew that his weight was a serious issue that was affecting his health negatively. He also knew his lifestyle habits were to blame for his excessive weight. He had the knowledge and was somewhat willing to change but was hesitant to do anything. I shared the Bruce Lee quote that is on the back of my business card.

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply.
Willing is not enough, we must do.”
– Bruce Lee

After a good hour of talking, I could see that our conversation might end without him deciding to make any lifestyle modification changes. There was just too much to think about and too many obstacles. We decided to pick just one simple thing for him to concentrate on; just one!

That one thing was switching from regular full-sugar pop to diet pop. He said that he had done that before, and it wasn’t all that bad. He might be able to do that for just one week as a start.

The following week, he returned ready to make more changes, and we picked another thing to work on. The path is not always straight from point A to point B, but a 2,000-mile journey always begins with just one step!

I do a lot of writing and talking to people about the spectrum of healthy diets. The DASH diet (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) represents the most moderate diet on one end of the spectrum, and the plant-based whole foods diet represents the most effective diet on the other end of the spectrum. Both diets produce results and are very well studied, with results published in peer-reviewed journals. The DASH diet produces measurable but limited results and is easy to follow with just a little education. The plant-based whole foods diet is much more effective but also more challenging to follow and requires some education and cooking skills development. The DASH diet is a great place to start, but the farther you move down the healthy diet spectrum closer to the plant-based whole foods diet, the healthier you will become. It is crucial to start at a place that matches both your willingness and your ability to successfully change your lifestyle. The DASH diet is a great place to start if you have assessed your willingness to change as moderate or low, but not a great place to start if you are highly motivated. The DASH diet is the most conservative diet that has been shown in well-done studies published in peer-reviewed journals to be at least moderately effective in lowering blood pressure, but as a side effect, DASH dieters also lose small amounts of weight and lower cholesterol and blood sugar a little. By far, the diet shown in many well-done studies published in peer-reviewed journals to be most effective in reducing weight, cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure is the plant-based whole foods diet. It also helps stabilize blood sugar significantly. But if you think that is something you can’t do at the present time, start with a more moderate diet and gradually move in the direction of the plant-based whole foods diet. The closer you get to the plant-based whole foods diet, the more results you will see! If you don’t cook regularly, then the plant-based whole foods diet isn’t the place to start unless you have the time and resources as well as the willingness to engage in a serious education process.

If your willingness to change is not even at a level that will allow you to engage in a moderate like the DASH diet, there are still things that you can do to improve your diet, maybe lose a little weight and help you become accustomed to thinking about what you eat.

It doesn’t matter where you start; the important thing is to begin!

Taking action based on your willingness and knowledge is a physical expression of your desire to experience healing. There is extraordinary power in translating your intention into action!

Here are some very easy things you can do to reduce extra fat, refined carbohydrates and excessive sodium in your diet that won’t affect your satisfaction with food in a significant way at all. If you are interested enough in healthier eating to be reading this, then there is no excuse not to follow these easy suggestions; they are definitely low-hanging fruit!

Switch to diet soft drinks.
According to dietary guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, “sugary drinks are the number one source of added sugars in our diet, representing almost half of all added sugars we consume. Added sugars are a major culprit in the obesity and diabetes epidemics.” If you add snacks and sweets, just those two items represent a whopping 77% of the added simple sugars Americans get. If you are a staff member at Smith County Memorial Hospital, and you have questioned why I do not offer sugary drinks and calorically dense desserts in the Hometown Café, that is why! Fruits juices are no better than pop because they lack the fiber that is associated with the original whole fruit before it is processed into juice. If you love the juice, then eat the fruit! Sports and energy drinks are the same as pop. I am not going to get into an argument about artificial sweeteners here. Even if you have to drink diet pop with artificial sweeteners, it is better than drinking the calorically dense sugary drink! Try diet Dr. Pepper; it is, in my opinion, the best diet version of a sugary drink.

Switch to low-fat mayonnaise.
A regular mayonnaise can have over 10 grams of fat for just a single one-tablespoon serving and who doesn’t put two tablespoons on a sandwich? There are some superb low-fat mayonnaise products out there that reduce the fat to just over 3 grams of fat per one-tablespoon serving. Take it from a mayonnaise fanatic; at the end of your first week using a low-fat mayo, you won’t be able to tell the difference! Hellmann’s Light Mayonnaise is my personal favorite. Recently at the Hometown Café, I switched from Hellmann’s Extra Heavy Mayonnaise to Hellmann’s Light Mayonnaise. That means that everything I just mayonnaise in or on has 50 percent of the fat and calories.

Switch to Hidden Valley lite ranch dressing.
Ranch dressing is far and above the most popular salad dressing used in America, and Hidden Valley is the best. A two-tablespoon serving delivers a whopping 14 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of that is saturated fat. Hidden Valley Lite provides less than half of the fat and saturated fat: five grams of fat (one gram saturated). Most brands of lite Ranch are lower in sodium as well. I would not suggest the fat-free Hidden Valley Ranch, but the Lite Ranch is an exceptional product that your taste buds will not object to!

Switch to fat-free Italian dressing.
Wish-Bone Italian dressing is one of America’s favorite Italian Dressings. For a two-tablespoon serving, you will receive seven grams of fat (1 gram saturated). The fat-free version is a good product and reduces calories from 80 to 15 with zero fat. Across the board, fat-free Italian dressings at pretty good flavor-wise, but you need to look at how much sugar they add to compensate for the elimination of fat. Some add so much sugar that they are a poor product to switch to, but many great fat-free dressings are well worth the switch! I have not used a full-fat Italian style dressing in much more than a decade. If I am going to indulge in some fat, I want to save it for something spectacular. Full-fat Italian-style dressing is a waste of fat calories!

Use Smart Balance instead of butter.
Let’s be honest here. Changing the way we Americans use butter-like products is the best idea, but if that is too much for you, then switching to Smart Balance can save you about five grams of saturated fat and 31 mg of cholesterol every time you use just a one-tablespoon serving, which is about half of what a typical American will use at breakfast! A moderate diet like the DASH diet has allocations for saturated fat and cholesterol at 14 grams and 150 mg, respectively, so if you eat real butter and use two tablespoons at breakfast, you will use 71 percent of your saturated fat and 41 percent for your cholesterol allocation before you leave the house in the morning! Smart Balance is a great-tasting product that is well worth trying; it is one reason our vegetables at the Hometown Café taste so good! It is a vegan product with zero trans-fat and zero cholesterol!

Order 1/3 cheese on pizza.
People in America are pizza crazy, and in some parts of the country, like where I grew up in New Haven, Conn., it’s a religion. Two of the most famous pizza houses in the country are on the same block in New Haven; Pepe’s and Sally’s. The battle between them made New Haven the capital of pizza in America. Don’t take my word for it; google it! It’s a fact that, especially in the Midwest, the version of pizza eaten has way too much cheese on it. No pizzeria in the world will object to you requesting that they use only 1/3 or even 1/4 of the cheese they usually use on your pie, and you will save a significant amount of calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium by doing so and the pie will be better! The real goal is to eliminate cheese, but if that’s too much to bite off right now, then reducing the amount of cheese you eat can help jump-start your plan to eat healthier!

Switch to baked chips or other healthier snack options.
For many Americans snacking is a significant source of empty calories and sodium. If eliminating snacks won’t work for you, try switching to healthier options. Lay’s classic potato chips have 10 grams of fat (1.5 grams saturated) per serving, while the baked chips that we offer in the Hometown Café have just 3.5 grams of fat (zero grams saturated) per serving. Pretzel chips by Snack Factory in the blue bag at Gene’s have only 110 calories with zero fat and 330 mg of sodium for a larger portion than the Lay’s potato chips. Those are the pretzel chips we serve with the hummus in the Hometown Café. All processed snack products represent empty calories. The goal is to eliminate those, but if that isn’t something you can pull off right now, look around and find snack options that are healthier than the calorically dense and nutritional deficient options that immediately come to mind. Consult the nutrition facts label and see what you are eating; look before you leap!

Switch to low-fat ice cream.
Cherry Garcia is a food group for me. I don’t do it anymore, but when I used to open up a pint, it became one serving. That’s 1010 calories with 59 grams of fat (38 grams saturated) per pint! For the same amount, Chili Cow chocolate chip cookie dough has 360 calories with 14 grams of fat (9 saturated). I am not suggesting that eating even lower-fat ice cream is a great idea, but you can shave off 650 calories and 45 grams of fat (29 grams saturated) and not experience withdrawal symptoms; it would be crazy not to do it!

Exchange whole wheat for white everywhere you can.
Food texture is just as important as flavor. The crunch in a kettle chip of a handle full of popcorn adds as much to eating pleasure as salt, fat or sugar! Soft and doughy foods are also pleasant at times. Who doesn’t like a crispy hot dog in a fresh, doughy bun? White Bread has that appealing texture, but it isn’t really food. There is nothing in white bread at all except calories and sodium. There are very high-quality whole-wheat breads on the market that don’t make you sacrifice any of that very appealing soft texture and provide you with increased nutrients and fiber. Look on the nutrition facts label and make sure that the bread you select has at least three grams of fiber preserving. Watch the sodium though, some breads hit as much as 500 mg in a portion, and the DASH diet limit is about 2,000 mg a day! The goal is to move to a very high-quality, nutrient-dense bread like Ezekiel bread, but at the start switching to whole wheat made in the style of the soft white bread you are used to won’t make you sacrifice much at all!

Use two percent or skim milk instead of whole milk.
Leaving aside the whole argument about how appropriate it is for humans to be drinking cow’s milk. If you drink cow’s milk for each 8-ounce glass of whole milk, you get 146 calories, eight grams of fat (five saturated) and 24 mg of cholesterol. In terms of DASH diet parameters, that is 12 percent of the fat, 36 percent of the saturated fat and 16 percent of the cholesterol you are allowed for the entire day; just one cup! Not many milk drinkers drink only 8 ounces a day. Switching to two percent will save you 43 calories, three grams of total fat and reduce saturated fat by 2.5 grams. It will only shave off three mg of cholesterol, though. Switching to skim milk will save you 63 calories, eight grams of total fat (five saturated) and 18 mg of cholesterol! If you move from whole to skim milk in one shot, the taste difference will be more than noticeable. But if you allow your mouth to acclimate first to two percent milk and then after a week or two, step down again to skim milk, the taste difference is far less noticeable. Especially if you drink three to five glasses of milk a day, the reduction in calories, fat, saturated fat and cholesterol is significant.

Start walking a little.
Exercise used to be part of our everyday life as a human. We have so many energy-saving devices now that you do not have to get any exercise at all if you don’t want to. This lack of exercise, coupled with our poor diet, is why we are in the health crisis we are in! The National Weight Control Registry is a large, now 27-year-old study of more than 10,000 people that have lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for at least one year. Ninety-four percent of those people increased their physical activity, with the most frequently reported form of activity being walking. If you are seriously overweight, ask your Doctor if walking is okay for you and only increase the level of exercise under their supervision. Start by walking out of your front door and down to the sidewalk, and come back. There is absolutely no excuse not to do that right now! For those who are already walking, increasing the number of steps we get every day can help burn extra calories and build stamina. Try parking at the furthest place from the door at work, not the closest!

Taking action based on your willingness and knowledge is a physical expression of your desire to experience healing. There is extraordinary power in translating your intention into action!

Have a great week, and if you get overwhelmed thinking about lifestyle modification, just pick ONE thing and get started!

Here are the references for today’s Healthy Eating Tip:

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Healthy Weight. The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity. Accessed 2/6/2020

Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Mayo Clinic. Patient Care & Health Information Diseases & Conditions. Obesity. Accessed 2/6/2020

Bhaskaran K, Douglas I, Forbes H, dos-Santos-Silva I, Leon DA, Smeeth L. Body-mass index and risk of 22 specific cancers: a population-based cohort study of 24 million UK adults. Lancet. 2014 Aug 30;384(9945):755-65.

Kasen, Stephanie, et al. “Obesity and psychopathology in women: a three-decade prospective sudy.” International Journal of Obesity 32.3 (2008): 558-566.

Luppino, Floriana S., et al. “Overweight, obesity, and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.” Archives of general psychiatry 67.3 (2010): 220-229.

Roberts, Robert E., et al. “Prospective association between obesity and depression: evidence from the Alameda County Study.” International journal of obesity 27.4 (2003): 514-521.

Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, et al. A clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood pressure. DASH Collaborative Research Group. New England Journal of Medicine 1997;336:1117-1124.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Our Work. Food & Nutrition. 2015 2020 Dietary Guidelines. Accessed 9/10/2020

Campbell TC. A plant-based diet and animal protein: questioning dietary fat and considering animal protein as the main cause of heart disease. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology. 2017 May;14(5):331-7.

Esselstyn CB. Resolving the Coronary Artery Disease Epidemic Through Plant-Based Nutrition. Preventive Cardiology 2001;4: 171-177

Campbell TC, Parpia B, Chen J. Diet, lifestyle, and the etiology of coronary artery disease: the Cornell China Study. American Journal of Cardiology. 1998;82(10B):18T–21T.

Ornish D, Scherwitz LW, Billings JH, et al. Intensive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart disease. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1998;280:2001–2007.